Monday, December 22, 2008

Root, root, root, for the White Sox!

Rudy thought it was the 7th inning nap instead of the 7th inning stretch.

Zeb enjoying the White Sox game.

Chicago White Sox U.S. Cellular Field

Kickin it in Chi-town

The Captain and the skipper.

Jeleaa and Rudy at lunch.

Ozzie enjoying some fries and a burger.


Wrane, Rudy, and Zeb relaxing.

Chicago (cont.)

Zeb on the Pier.

Zeb and Uncle Austin on Magnificent Mile.

Wrane lakeside.


My kind of town.....Chicago!

The fellas dockside.

Rudy was shaking his money maker while he waited for the trolley.

Rudy lakeside.

Ozzie in the city.

Strolling down Navy Pier.
L-R: Jeleaa, Rudy, Wrane, Patti, and Ozzie in stroller.

Sweet Home.....Chicago!

Navy Pier, Chicago
The Godfather and the Godson.


The Brothers White


Zeb's 9th Birthday Party

Zeb concentrating on his wish. He must be wishing up the impossible.

Thank you Lugo family for the White Sox gear. It must have been hard to do something like that since you all are Cubs fans.

Linda teaches Lucy how to play with sparklers responsibly.

Jamie and cutie little Abigail.

David had such a great time he lost his shirt. Actually, Jackie probably didn't want him getting his clothes sticky and dirty. What mom wants that? :)

Going Home for the Fourth

In July we went home - back to Illinois. We were able to spend some time visiting with family and friends. We met Uncle Austin there. He had the idea of having a little party in early July to catch up with everyone. Zeb also celebrated his 9th birthday party a month early. We took a trip to Navy Pier in Chicago. While in Chicago we also caught a White Sox game. My Goddaughter, Jeleaa (sp.?) joined us on the Chicago trip. The two of us visited the American Girl Place where she chose a doll. That was a unique experience for me. The boys and Uncle Austin opted to wait outside the boutique of course. The boys and I also visited the Busey Woods and Anita Purves Nature Center. We also, took a walk through Meadowbrook Park and enjoyed the garden sculptures and all the boys played on the Prairie Playground. My cousin Jackie, her eldest son, and her youngest nephew joined us for the trip.

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom was pretty much like visiting a good zoo with Disney characters sprinkled throughout the park. Ozzie slept most of this trip which was fine because it was so hot on the day we visited. Here the boys are pictured in front of the Tree of Life.
Zeb enjoyed the Bug's Life exhibit the most. It was an interactive 3-D movie with many other senses intertwined in the production. For example, they had effects that simulated bugs and worms crawling under your seat and feet, your chairs rumbled during explosions, there was some smellovision going on and some other effects. Rudy didn't like it to well. Ozzie didn't know what to think of it. Just the same a good time was had by all.

Eeyore, Zeb and Ozzie. Zeb had to hold Ozzie back because he couldn't keep still long enough to take a picture of the three of them.

Tigger and Friends.

Pooh, Zeb, and Ozzie.

Sr. Pato Donald y los ninos pose for a photo op just outside the Mexico exhibit at Epcot.
Goofy and the goofy guys.

Summer '08 Vacay

One of the best things about living in the great vacation destination of Florida there is always something to do. There is an insurmountable amount of family friendly activities to do in Florida. Florida isn't just a place where old people come to die. It's a place where kids young and old can have some fun in the sun!

We visited the Parks at Disney. Our friends from back home, the Lugo Family were on vacation in Florida this summer, so we were able to visit with them. A great time was had by all.
Here are Zeb, Rudy, and Ozzie in front of the gigantic golf ball otherwise known as Epcot. This was a place that I had visited a couple of times as a child. Honestly, I used to think it was boring. However, many changes have been made to the park with regards to attractions and events for the better. Although some topics were a bit abstract for a preschool age child to grasp there was still plenty to do for everyone to enjoy. Zeb and the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed the Planet Earth exhibit. It was an attraction that took you on time travel back in time and into the unforeseen future. The ride itself is interactive and user friendly. At the end of your trip you are able to simulate a scene, starring yourself, in the future. Very interesting and fun.

Catching Up On My Blog or 2008 A Year in Review

Initially I had every intention of submitting posts to my blog. However, life happens and as always I got to busy doing things I didn't keep up with my blog to the best of my ability. Anyways the following will include photos, events, and entries regarding my fantastic four sons.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Fantastic Four Sons

Greetings and Salutations!

I am the mother of four fantastic sons.

Meet Wrane (pronounced rain), he is 15 years old and is into soccer, music, movies, video games, girls, and cars, not necessarily in that order. He is the life of the party and has a wry sense of humor that his friends enjoy. One thing we share in common is our taste in music. Many of the alt/indie rock that was popular in my adolescence is making a comeback. I consider him to be my right hand man. He helps me out with the younger boys tremendously and I truly appreciate all of his help even though I forget to thank him at times. He really knows how to push my buttons but I love him very much.

Meet Zeb, he is 8 years old and he is into absolutely every single sporting event. He loves the Chicago White Sox and the Chicago Bears and loves to play fantasy baseball and football. He is my sensitive boy and he is very thoughtful and caring. He is a good little helper. He idolizes he older brother but they have a hard time getting along with one another. I'm sure it is just a phase that will soon pass. Even though he fights with his little brothers he is good at keeping them entertained. He would like to play professional baseball someday. If anything he would like to be a sports broadcaster someday.

Rudy and Ozzie
Rudy is 4 years old and has a smile that just melts your heart. He is a little fella with a big guy mentality. He likes to do everything his older brothers are into. His love for superheroes is overwhelming. We have a hard time leaving the house without his cape. He is so ready to go to school. I am looking for voluntary Pre-K in the St. John's county (FL) area.He wants to go to school so badly.

Ozzie is two years old and is Crazy with a capital C. He enjoys playing with his trains, Duplo blocks, dancing and singing. There is never a dull moment when Ozzie is around. He loves to do what all of his older brothers do and say. His BFF is Rudy despite the fact that they can't share toys. He is lovable and goofy and makes everyone laugh hard!

My biggest challenge is finding activities for all the boys to participate in together. I also need to find away for the boys to get along with one another. If you have any suggestions please let me know.