Monday, December 22, 2008

Going Home for the Fourth

In July we went home - back to Illinois. We were able to spend some time visiting with family and friends. We met Uncle Austin there. He had the idea of having a little party in early July to catch up with everyone. Zeb also celebrated his 9th birthday party a month early. We took a trip to Navy Pier in Chicago. While in Chicago we also caught a White Sox game. My Goddaughter, Jeleaa (sp.?) joined us on the Chicago trip. The two of us visited the American Girl Place where she chose a doll. That was a unique experience for me. The boys and Uncle Austin opted to wait outside the boutique of course. The boys and I also visited the Busey Woods and Anita Purves Nature Center. We also, took a walk through Meadowbrook Park and enjoyed the garden sculptures and all the boys played on the Prairie Playground. My cousin Jackie, her eldest son, and her youngest nephew joined us for the trip.

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