Monday, December 22, 2008

Summer '08 Vacay

One of the best things about living in the great vacation destination of Florida there is always something to do. There is an insurmountable amount of family friendly activities to do in Florida. Florida isn't just a place where old people come to die. It's a place where kids young and old can have some fun in the sun!

We visited the Parks at Disney. Our friends from back home, the Lugo Family were on vacation in Florida this summer, so we were able to visit with them. A great time was had by all.
Here are Zeb, Rudy, and Ozzie in front of the gigantic golf ball otherwise known as Epcot. This was a place that I had visited a couple of times as a child. Honestly, I used to think it was boring. However, many changes have been made to the park with regards to attractions and events for the better. Although some topics were a bit abstract for a preschool age child to grasp there was still plenty to do for everyone to enjoy. Zeb and the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed the Planet Earth exhibit. It was an attraction that took you on time travel back in time and into the unforeseen future. The ride itself is interactive and user friendly. At the end of your trip you are able to simulate a scene, starring yourself, in the future. Very interesting and fun.

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